hiiii! :333

welcome to my website! this is basically a second personal journal (the first being my tumblr) where i dump all kinds of stuff. you'll find art and writing and the like. this whole website is something of a passion project of mine :3 while i mostly focus on my creative works, i think this is fun to do, and i also like having skills like this just in case :)

this entire website is currently a WIP. dont laugh :c

characters tab will include (mostly) complete profiles of (almost) all my characters!

ignore for now tho cuz its not done :(


link to my art page ^_^

currently figuring out what to put here. all i really need to do is fix some of the code for my current art page and i can keep using that. might just out some highlights here of pieces i really like ? :3

here is all the writing i do! please keep in mind im not the best author, im still trying to get better. i greatly appreciate criticism and tips on improving!

Here is the link to my livejournal! I post all my writing there. Its all more organized here though :3

everything here is organized by universe. apocalypse au will be at the top, beacuse that's what i write the most

apocalypse au

midnight in the stables
lucille reyes: journal entry #1